Need a professional consultation? Look no further. We are here to help!
An ambitious national company established in 2007, a modern, successful and professional system that keeps pace with the requirements of the market and its accelerating changes in line with the Kingdom’s 2030 vision, Restart is the ideal choice for all solutions for planning and implementing communications projects, public projects, roads, project management, operations and supplies.
Providing high-quality services with added value makes our company always the most appropriate choice among competitors in all fields.

Welcome to AL-Noor Al Shamekh General Contracting Est.
Risk more than others think is safe. Dream more than others think is practical.
we are specialized in energy-saving projects from indoor to outdoor lighting replacement and lighting control is what we are known for. Electrical works, we have a great honor & privilege to complete all our projects with great determination & professionalism. The application includes Cable Laying, Terminations, & installation of Switchgears, Transformers Panel Boards testing & commissioning. Installation of all sort of Electrical equipment & all kinds of plants.
In Electro Mechanical works, we have a great honor & privilege to complete all of our projects with great determination & professionalism.
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